Things About Me

Bom Dia Cupcakes!!!

Sorry I haven’t posted in forever!!! I thought during summer I would have more time to blog but it has ended up being the opposite! Also I thought I had posted a couple things but somehow the publish date was set to 3 years from now. So I will have to redo those posts later.

Enough of my rant, lets get on to the post. I have seen several people do this so I took questions from different ones and made up a few of my own. Here are things about me:

  1. What is your favorite drink? Tea of some sort. Right now (as I am typing this) I am drinking homemade Orange iced tea. ( Comment if you want the recipe.)
  2. What is your favorite food? Anything sweet. I have quite a sweet tooth!
  3. Last thing you bought? Metallic Temporary Tattoos. I don’t really know why I bought them but I own them now.
  4. Favorite color? Blue/ Teal.
  5. Do you have any pets? I have a dog named Frodo. If you have been reading my blog for long you will know him! I not here is a link to an post about Frodo .
  6. Favorite book series? I also have several posts about this because I can’t decide. Here is part 1 and 2
  7. Do you speak an other language? I speak Pig Latin fluently. I am also trying to learn regular Latin.
  8. When was last time you cried? I just finished reading Harry Potter Deathly Hallows so I think that says enough right there.
  9. What phone do you have? I have an iPhone SE
  10. How tall are you? 5 ft. 6 1/2 in. or about 169 cm
  11. Can you swim? Yes. I trying to learn to dive off a diving board, but am not having much success.
  12. What book you are reading right now? Colorado with the Moodys by Sarah Maxwell
  13. Last time you Exercised? I walked my dog this morning.
  14. Have you ever broken any bones? I think I broke my nose when I was younger.
  15. Are you someones best friend? I don’t know.

That is it for right now because I don’t want this post to be to long. I tag anyone that is a blogger who wants to do it. If you do it please tag me or something so I can read it!

In Love,


P.S. I may do another one soon because I have more questions.

One thought on “Things About Me

  1. Pingback: 15 Things About Me part 2 – runningoncupcakes

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